Category archives: Love Story Films

OJQ + celestalAn Epic Conclusion

An epic wedding videography love story film to end off 2013. OJQ and Celestal is such a fun couple to work with. During the initial meetup, we found them to have very interesting and outgoing personalities. As we seek deeper into their love story, we also found them to have huge differences in their individual views of how their love story actually developed over the past 10 years. OJQ think their story happened in one way while Celestal think their story developed in another way. It is akin to the book written by John Gray “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus”. It was actually fun watching them telling us their own versions with lots of fun arguments in between. It was at this point that we decided to produce a love story film which can strongly portray their fun personalities and individual viewpoints instead of a common consensus. The challenge is that the film has to show how OJQ and Celestal are really like as a couple in real life.

During the scene design stage, we decided to have OJQ and 2 of his best buddies having a chit chat session at the garden while trimming bonsai while Celestal is also having her own conversation with her friend in the kitchen baking cake. We chose these 2 activities (trimming bonsai and baking cake) not due to our fabled imagination, but because these are their real life past time hobbies and we really want to portray that.

kenneth + adelineIt's a Match

It may come as a surprise to most people that Kenneth and Adeline only knew each other for 6 months when Adeline accepted Kenneth’s proposal. Even though they are together for a short period of time, they have talked about compatibility and marriage. In fact, Kenneth has this compatibility matrix where the both of them measured near 8 on the scale of 1-10! They share the same goal in life, sports, jobs and even rear the same breed of dog. They know exactly what they are looking for and what they are going into. Both of them have great sunshine personalities and both love dogs and running. A true blessing that they have found each other. Oh yes, and not to forget their canine companions – Kaiser, Hiccup and Bibi.

When we first met up with Kenneth & Adeline, we knew we were going to have a blast at filming their love story and this is going to be a great wedding videography film. With such an outdoor-loving couple, most of the scenes were done out in the sun. Kaiser and Hiccup attracted much attention when we were out shooting. One memorable scene that we shot was the dog competition. As it was a real competition, we had to be fast on our feet as well as there wasn’t much chance for a retake. During the competition break, we were only given 10 minutes to film the scene where Adeline tripped and fell. It was basically a shoot-and-move-on kind of pace.

Their wedding date marks the first year of them together. See if you can spot their wedding date (in numerals) in the video.

TIM & NICOLEThe Campus Beat Story

Tim and Nicole are the hosts of a YouTube series called “Campus Beat” which was produced during their SMU days and that’s how they first meet each other. Nothing progress from there until 6 year later….and a few kilometers of walk…..

We had great fun filming this wedding videography love story and it has to be one of the more physically demanding production for us. A total distance of about 6 km was covered during the scene at Tree Top Walk! Imagine walking 6 km with all the cameras and gears, definitely not for the faint-hearted. The trail situated inside Bukit Timah and Central Catchment Nature Reserves will lead you to Tree Top Walk, a 250m long suspending bridge and its height from the forest floor varies, with the highest point at 25m. The Tree Top Walk also plays an important role in forest canopy research as it gives researchers access to areas well off the ground.

We are grateful to The Butter Factory and The Tea Party Cafe for their kind courtesy loan of their premises for our filming. The shoot at The Butter Factory was a mad rush as we only have 30 minutes to wrap up 2 scenes. Pre-production planning really paid off in ensuring we get the shots we want within the limited time frame and we are glad that it turns our well!

What inspires us to use a talk-show concept to drive the story is because both Tim and Nicole are presenters for the SMU Campus Beat series and we think it will fit nicely into the story to showcase their characters and personalities.

dylan + joanneSurprise

This is a short wedding videography film based on the true love story of Dylan and Joanne. What’s interesting about this film is that we try to tell their story in a different presentation style and move more in the direction of a short film than a music video or a dramatized documentary and we think it worked out well.

We had great fun shooting this film. As there were many locations to cover, we had to move and shoot fast. For most of the shoots, we were blessed with good weather. However, it started raining when we were about to shoot the 2nd last scene (Dylan’s phone call with his mum in the car). We decided to change the original indoor scene to an outdoor car scene, braving the rain with an umbrella. With Dylan and Joanne in the car on a rainy evening, this further heightens the air of romance of the story.

bryan + lingIf It's Love

What we really like about this love story film is how it managed to bring out the humorous & adventurous personalities and lifestyles of Bryan and Ling in an interesting manner. If you notice, there are 3 different time dimensions in this film – the Dream, Flashbacks and Actual.

During the storyboard discussion, we discovered that Bryan has a good habit of reading newspaper – he goes through every single page without fail everyday. In order to portray this character in the film, we decided to incorporated newspaper reading scene into the courtship scene a few times in a humorous way. By doing this we are able to portray a few things at once; the reading habit, the humorous nature and the courtship of Bryan on Ling.

We are lucky that they had a fun group of friends who are very willing to play multiple supporting role in the film. None of them are pros but we must say, they were really good for 1st-time actors/actresses. One of the most important supporting character in this film got to be Keith (the waiter). His amusing smiles give a good conclusion and twist to the story. Hardly much NGs from him. Cool!

This film was screened before the first march-in during the dinner banquet and had received great feedback from the guests.